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Angel Fruit of the Season: Watermelon!

I’m showcasing the first fruit of the season that I recognize: the juicy watermelon!

Watermelon is a superfood of the Angel Diet, did you know? As the summer continues on (and the heat climbs), watermelon is a great escape from the hot temperature.

Benefits of Watermelon:

  • Watermelon is loaded with water. It is especially loaded with Angel water when you bless it!
  • It is RICH in magnesium (Sirians and Vegans watch out with that magnesium!) as well as sodium. Good mineral balancers!
  • It is sweetened with fructose and contains very little harmful glucose. Because we can eat it and it  increases our nutrition as well as our hydration, watermelon is Angel-approved!


Cut up and serve, by itself or with other fruits. Enjoy!


Sirian & Vegan Angels: Watch your Magnesium!

I have been watching my Son Adam lately because I felt concerned about his health lately. Since I can’t sense my own mineral imbalances as an average Sirian and as an Angel medical intuitive, I can watch over him. This is what I have noticed the past few months…

Adam has been wandering around the galaxies as a multidimensional Angel being, including living on Earth. As a result, he has been accumulating astral toxins, which are very acidic. These toxins are showing up in his blood, the core system of which we cannot live without. With our acidic toxins affecting his blood, the magnesium from his muscles, ligaments, bones, and other organs return to his blood to compensate to try make it be more neutral (a very simple acid-alkaline solution). Which means, he really needs to eat more magnesium to balance out the amount he has been decreasing. Note: This is not only for Sirians, this will affect Vegan Angels too!

Magnesium is a cofactor in 300+ known functions. It helps with sleeping at night, through the night, muscle cramps, colon peristalsis (constipation), brain function, etc. This is a crucial factor in the Angel Diet!

Foods that are rich in Magnesium are: coconuts (coconut water, coconut milk, coconut cream, you name it!), pistachios, and coffee (my best friend)

Exercizing decreases magnesium. When you are exercizing or becoming dehydrated from exercise, drink coconut water instead of regular water.  Angel water will help, but if you are severely depleted, go straight for the coconut water or coffee. 

I’ll give Adam a magnesium anklet and see how he does over the next week. Results coming soon!

What are Angel Senses?

You ask, “I’m an XYZ Angel and I’m a Sense of what?” Yes, YOU ARE!

Angel Senses = Angel Beings.

angels on sky

This is part of who you are. Your Sense is what will help you grow. This is VERY relevant to what you do because this can affect YOUR health. Seriously.

If you are Sirian and are a Sense of Earth, you must be outdoors or in a ecologically- or Earth-related job, or you will become deficient in minerals and Earth. Options are: farmers, gardeners, beekeepers, florists, herbalists, tea harvesters, park rangers, oceanographers, lifeguards, geologists, winemakers, landscape artists, gemologists, chefs, carpenters, bakers, etc.

If you are Gaian, Apollonian, Orionian, Pleiadian, or Vegan, you must be surrounded in Love and be of service, or you will become deficient in Love (and hence, depression can happen). Options are: cheerleaders, mediators, marriage counselors, counselors, therapists, mediums, channelers, natural healers, dancers, jewelry makers, nurses, police officers, daycare owners, caretakers, dog walkers, firemen and women, and any other service providers.

 If you are Draconian and are a Sense of Fire, you must work on physical jobs or you will become deficient in Chi, Prana, or Life-force. Options are: martial artists, lumberjacks, yoga instructors, surgeons, first-line responders, rolfers, chiropractors, sculptors, woodcarvers, sports players, massage therapists, and other physically-demanding jobs. 

If you are Maldeckian and are a Sense of Water, you must work on mental jobs or you will become deficient in Creativity (and hence, boredom and disillusionment can happen). Options are: strategists, subject matter experts, medical intuitives (like CAMIs!), interior designers, fine artists, brainstormers, heartstormers, writers, bloggers, attorneys, judges, engineers, computer programmers, chess players, and other innovators.

If you are Andromedan and are a Sense of Wind,  you must work on diverse jobs or you will become  deficient in Newness (and hence boredom and disillusionment can happen). Options are: project managers, managers, singers, actors, photographers, teachers, poets, coaches, financial advisors, airline attendants, entrepreneurs, general contractors, concierge staff, entertainers, real estate agents, and other jack-of-all-trades jobs. 

These other Senses are for combinations. Sirians, for example, can be both Senses of Earth and possibly Water or Wind or Love, or a combination thereof.  Draconians can be both Senses of Fire and Love. Maldeckians can be both Senses of Water and Love.  Andromedans can be both Senses of Wind and Love

Some of these jobs are a combination, for examples, massage therapists are an option for both Senses of Love and Fire. These are some options to consider so we can make sense of the wide opportunities there are out there!

 If you are currently in a job or career path that supports your Angel Sense, congratulations! Sometimes, it can take a while leapfrogging from one step to another to get to what you want. But, if you aren’t happy and you want to expand your horizons, look into other opportunities that will help grow your wings a bit more! 🙂

Angel Health and Emotional Issues

Ever think that your emotional problems could be due to what you eat? And, that it depends on what planet you came from? This is what I have noticed for Angels around here and online. 

tiger sad

If you come across a grumpy Angel whose ranting and raving, send that person a message (or talk to them in person) and say: “I unblock and heal you for the highest and best good of all.” When you use your Angel intention to unblock and heal them, their souls will open up. They will thank you for it, especially since they will no longer be a bottleneck of emotions AND they will be affected immediately and positively. Their emotions will flow easily through them and they will be better able to deal with situations.

 OK, here are the Angels planet and what emotional problems those Angels can have:

When Sirian Angels become deficient with vitamin D or saturated fats, they become susceptible to major depression.

When Draconian Angels become deficient with saturated fats, they become susceptible to paranoia and anxiety attacks.

When Vegan Angels become deficient in vitamin E or saturated fats, they become susceptible to major depression.

When Apollonian Angels become deficient in saturated fats, they become susceptible to fatigue and are unable to deal with everyday issues.

When Andromedan Angels become deficient in vitamin A or saturated fats, they become susceptible to major depression

When Pleiadian Angels become deficient in vitamin B6 or saturated fats, they become susceptible to fatigue and are unable to deal with everyday issues.

When Maldeckian Angels become deficient in saturated fats, they become susceptible to major depression.

When Gaian Angels become deficient in saturated fats, they become susceptible to fatigue and are unable to deal with everyday issues.

So, keep eating HEALTHY so you can be HAPPY!




What Angels in Human Bodies Look Like!

I started seeing resemblances in human bodies as I started to figure out what particular Angels I was writing in these past few posts. Now, these are generalizations, of course, because we are many. But, you’ll find a chuckle reading about each one!

Vegan Angels look like the tooth fairy: a little plump with a big wide smile and huggable wings!

Orionian Angels have tattoos! Everywhere! Think Maori aborigines or tiger stripes!! If they don’t have tattoos, they want one!

Sirian Angels tend to be very tall (excluding me!), almost 6 feet tall or more. Some of us, however, are more divine and short, ahem! 😉

Andromedan Angels have HUGE eyes like kewpie dolls or anime characters. Very cute and tall!

Apollonian Angels tend to be all shapes and sizes. They giggle LOTS!

Draconian Angels are thin, tall people with catty eyes. They look sly, but really aren’t. They will directly face you and your aura.

Pleiadian Angels tend to be all shapes and sizes. They have no particular faces or looks, but look (and shout!) of Love.

Gaian Angels have big smiles, kind eyes, and big voices!

Maldeckian Angels have HUGE eyes like Andromedans. Very cute, not-so-tall Angels!

Note: Just because you are one, does not mean that your immediate blood relatives (kids, dad, mom, etc.) are. We are all one big, jumbled up Family!

Sirian Angels

Number 8 of 8 (plus more!) of the “Stars for Where You Were Born” series!

Sirians… the oldest souls in this multiverse! I am fully beaming with Light on this topic because this is my own Angel, and I get to find out all about Sirians! Yes, I have been writing Angel topics on the fly, with wings! It has been a pleasure to discover and find things unfold. But, now, here we go…

Sirian Angels have been here the longest. Before Atlantis, before Lumeria, before Time and Space, there was just us. We are the original ones before we started making new Angels on other celestial beings, such as Apollonia, Orion, Draco, etc. (Remember, Loves, We are all Family!) There are many resources illustrating what Sirius B is like (including why it’s Sirius B and not A!), but this is more about us and what we need to empower our own wellness.

Oh, by the way, Archangel Michael reminded me to tell you that owls, monkeys, and lions are playing here on Sirius B now.


Sirians are tough and delicate all at the same time! Their primary dominant chakras are third chakra (solar plexus), with a secondary dominant chakra of fourth chakra (heart). Their integrity is their strong suit, but Love is in the right place. They tend to be Judging Angels, using their gut to guide their intuition. They tend to be Senses of Earth or a combination thereof. Type A or B? Type A, all the way, baby! In the Human Design world, they are Projectors or Manifesting-Generators

Success for a Sirian Angel means: Your Divine Purpose is HERE on Earth. Trust your intuition. It will guide you directly towards God! 

Sirian Angels have white wings!

In terms of health, Sirian Angels require some attention! When malnourished and unaware, they will have systemic issues. Astral toxins in the blood cause high blood pressure, high blood sugar, diabetes, and mineral imbalances for starters. Stressed Sirians will decrease magnesium levels so that leg cramps, achesinsomnia, etc. are among the many imbalances we can have. Exercise will only make it worse. On top of that, eating refined sugar and watching TV (EMFs), only exacerbates Sirian ill health. Note: this is regarding karmic health. This is not regarding emotionally-related health. Talk to an Angel Trainer regarding emotions.

Unaware Sirian Angels also have a tendency to be deficient in Vitamin D. They especially need to be in the sun to convert their bodies into vitamin D3. If they become extremely deficient in vitamin D3, they will become unable to build calcium in their bone matrix, which then leads to osteopenia and osteoporosis, among other issues.

Sirian Angels can become successfully happy and healthy, if they eat whole and nutrient-dense foods, do earthing, and being in the sun. I am proof that I AM!

Stars for Where You Were Born

I am going to provide more information for these planetary birthplaces where we Angels came from, but this is a small snippet to describe where we all came from. These are ALL of the Angel birthplaces as far as I know. All other celestial beings that you resonate with are either colonies or “playgrounds” where we have been. 

There are many references that describe what characeristics we Angels are, in fact so many that I won’t describe them to you all. But, in the next week or so, I will post some Angel information that is specific to each planet — health and nutritional — that are crucial for each one. For now, enjoy where you are from!

Sirius B

Sirius in Canis Major

Sirius B (Number 2 in Canis Major, the brightest star)



Draco, also known as Venus



Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters


Appollonia is above Pleiades, north (relative) to Alcyone.



Andromeda, the entire constellation


Maldeck was destroyed some eons ago, and we decided not to rebuild it. Alas, Law of Free Will shows up!


Vega in Lyra

Vega (Number 3 in Lyra, the brightest star)

Mother Earth

earth view

Mother Earth, Gaia

Do you know which planet you are from? Which resonates for you? If you don’t know, I will reply with my response.