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Time does NOT heal all Wounds!!

Have you ever heard the words. “time heals all wounds?” You may feel comforted by the negative experiences you have had, thinking those thoughts replayed at that moment. But really, are YOU really healed? Are all your wounds healed?? Really??

Just from my past experiences, I would say: gimme a break! This isn’t a negative thought or belief. A few years back, one of my previous posts talked about losing my family and being disowned. If I had not done what I needed to do, I would still be wallowing in my misery to this day. Now, I would say: let’s do something so that our wounds are healed. Forever!! 

owl staring

We know, we know … stuff happens! Relationships break. Careers are ended. Love is either stolen from us by malicious intention or accidentally. Either way, it hurts! Our emotional souls are scarred. Our hearts are broken. Time cannot heal all these wounds. Every time the wound is mentioned, it is reopened again, hurting and reliving those thoughts and experiences. Wounds last until something happens to our Angel Selves: TRUE HEALING!!

And, it’s not just negative experiences and trauma in this lifetime I am talking about. There are traumas I had discovered in my past lifetimes as well as my current lifetimes that I had to let go. The heavy thoughts are released and returned to turn light. 

What happens to our trauma in this lifetime? What happens to my physical body?

Energy is everything. Positive energy (Light, Love, Joy, Bliss, etc.) shows up in our body is complete and well. Negative energy (sadness, anger, resentment, trauma, etc.) shows up in our body as autoimmune disorders, cancers,  and organ imbalances.  

How do we completely heal? What do we need to say??

Pray and repeat these two simple affirmations for the Law of Angel Intention:

1) Return to the Angels all things that do not serve us.

2) I am healthy, whole, and complete in mind, body, and spirit.

I repeat these two affirmations every day. Every single day!! I make it a point, whether my body is giving me signs or not, to repeat them several times every day. Make it a habit!! The Light within you will increase and more Light. Your Angel Self will thank you! 🙂 

How to Know When You Have Ascended

Ascension is really simple. Really!

If you are seeking, you haven’t.

If you know it, you have it.

If you LOVE everything and everyone in spite of FEAR, you have it.

If you want it, you don’t have it.

Very few Angels have it. They want it. They’ve been seeking answer for it. It is only when we stop searching and see that we are it, we find it. It is the diamond in our own backyard

And when you know it, your whole world will change.  It is really that simple. Doubt it? Then you’re not there yet!


How to Make Your Own Chakra-opening Music!

Have you found all your chakra-opening music? Want more? It’s one thing to go off and hunt for chakra-openers off Youtube and other sources which I have certainly done, but it’s a whole other thing to CREATE your own! And they’re done in an Angel second!

Here’s what you do:

Go off and find all your favorite music. Music that makes you happy, that makes you blissful. Maybe that is your classical music or New Age music. Or, maybe it’s your Metallica (yes, I have seen bellydancers rock out to Metallica!) or maybe it’s your Cyndi Lauper. Mermaid music, owl music, pirate music — it doesn’t matter. Without going into any music that will age me LOL, find your music!

Put them on a playlist that makes your library. Label it Angel music 🙂

Use your Angel intention to convert the music you love into chakra openers. 

Play your funky music, cowboy!

seashell blue

Every time you play your music, the ones you love, your chakras will be opened. Which means, whatever Ascension symptoms that are bothering you, will not bother you anymore. It’s that simple. Feel it. Your body will thank you!




Why Am I not Ascending?

“I’m an Angel, so why am I not ascending?? ” For those watching others not ascending in the Angel Game, bless them and let them continue on their journey. For those watching their own Angel Selves, here’s some more information for you…

Along the stairway to Enlightenment, we are playing the Angel Game. But, there are a few rules you need to know. 

Angel Game Rules

These are the Angel rules you need to know in the Angel Game. If anyone is going to come into my house and does not follow these rules, I literally kick them out. And it is with good reason, because if they, both Angels and Angels-in-training, are not willing to play the game, they’re not allowed to be here! 

  • No judgments

  • No expectations

  • No egos

  • No Eeyores (although, 10-minute “pity parties” are allowed! Just 10 minutes!)  🙂

If any Angel or Angel-in-training cannot follow these four rules, they cannot enter MY house. The Angel Game is exactly that — if an Angel cannot follow these rules, they cannot climb the stairway of Enlightenment. 

Every step you are at in the Angel Game, it is divinely perfect.

If you feel stuck, congratulations! That is exactly where you need to be. Awareness is the key. Just the fact that you are questioning where you are at is exactly what you needed to question. You are perfect. You are on the step you need to be.

So, ask yourself, “Am I following these four rules?”

What do you need to do to fly your wings up another step?


Love is all there is.

Love is letting go of ego, expectations, judgments, and Eeyores. Loving unconditionally is all we have to do. When you can do this, your whole world will change. As if you are an onion — you have to peel alot of layers to get to the golden core (have you seen it? It’s a gorgeous YOU!). It is not always easy. There are struggles, but  on this journey with the awareness you will grow and learn. This is how we play successfully in the Angel GameBecause Love is always the answer. 

butterfly in light


How Do I Become an Angel?

If you already know you’re an Angel, congratulations! You ARE!

lightning purple

But, some of you, are questioning who you are or are denying your Angel heritage. So, for those of you Angels-in-training who want to become Angels, I’ll show you how:


I mean, really, FLY!!!

This was the whole concept of Ascension. It has been happening long before 12/21/12, but officially that’s the date. The day, if you remember like I do, when the volume turned WAY UP! Ascension means “rising up,” or climbing up the stairway to Heaven and reaching Enlightenment

So, to become an Angel, do these three things:

1) Return to the Angels all things that do not serve you. “All things” means: relationships, thoughts, beliefs, anger and other negative emotions, and other things that cause you heaviness or darkness.

2) Climb up one step at a time.

3) Repeat.

That’s it. This isn’t an “all or nothing” situation. Yes, you will make mistakes. Yes, you will feel silly or scared or angry sometimes. Yes, you will feel very human at times. But, you will learn and know the blessings in the learning you will do. 

And, there are others who will be with you. With the Grace of God, you will fly with other Angels higher and higher, and release all those things that do not serve you. On this journey, you are NEVER alone!!

Fly, Angel, fly! O:)




Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children and Who is What

There is a difference in between Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow children! They are all Angels, but understanding the differences will help those who want help from the Universe.

Indigo Angels started being born since the early 1940s. This is not to say that they were born earlier (Angels have been born and found in history since the beginning of Time!), but this is when we started labeling them. They were born with what we can call “DNA 1.0”. Woodstock members remember those times! Generally speaking, Rainbow Angels have stuck with their hearts and stood their ground even when they have been otherwise discouraged.

Crystal Angels have started being born since the late 1960s. They are still being born to this present day. They were born with what we can call “DNA 2.0” such that they are an upgrade from DNA received by the Indigos. Generally speaking, Crystal Angels are portrayed as functionally present in terms of jobs, careers, relationships in the non-angel world, but they seek out community with Love-minded individuals.

Rainbow Angels have been born within the last 5 or so years through present time. These are the Angels who have been born with “DNA 3.0” and are such that they are un-worldly in baby bodies and minds! They already know their Angel names and their past lifetimes. They do however require their primary name to find their true divine purpose. They do not require ANY DNA upgrades at all!

Rainbow and Crystal Angels may require DNA upgrades. As a Crystal Angel, I have had sensations for DNA upgrades such as: tingling and buzzing in my hands and feet, hearing light buzzing in my ears, feeling energies swooping upward toward my head, etc. I ask the Angels every day for an upgrade when I’m not feeling well or somethings are not going right in my Universe. Within a few minutes, everything calms down for me. It is not unpleasant to experience, but keep your Self aware!

List of Ascension Symptoms, or Chakra Closures

Here is a comprehensive list of Ascension symptoms, or chakra closures. Please note, this does not include symptoms that are based on other toxins. There are emotional, structural, and biochemical imbalances that still need to be addressed to be whole.

When dealing with chakra closures (and Ascension-related symptoms), use your Angel intention: “Open wide all chakras.”

1st – Base

2nd – Sacral

3rd — Solar Plexus

4th – Heart

5th – Throat

6th – Clairvoyance

7th –  Crown

8th – Universal Heart

9th – Astral Body

10th – Earth Star

11th – Soul.  Symptoms include: Lump in throat.

12th – Transformation of Humanity. Symptoms include: Hyperacid stomach. Dry eyes. Blacking out.

13th – Connection of Love. Symptoms include: Inconsolable crying. Inability to remember.

14th – Third Eye. Symptoms include: Hiccups. Leg pains. Fuzzy thoughts. Lung irritations.

15th – Fourth Eye or Gateway to the Universe. Symptoms include: Constant urination. Umbilicus (belly button) pains. Blind darkness. Advanced aging.

16th – Service. Symptoms include: Unclear vision. Back pains. Coughing. Itching.

17th – Oneness. Symptoms include: Tongue pains. Eye or skin twitching. Wings (shoulder blades) burning.

18th – Rainbow. Symptoms include: Skin afflictions. Argumentative. Red eyes or pressure in eyes.

19thSymptoms include: Laryngitis. Headaches. Abnormal aging.

20thSymptoms include: Skin afflictions. Hand numbness.

21stSymptoms include: Skin afflictions.

22nd Fifth Eye or Love.

Understanding Astral Toxins

Here is a primer that will help you (and me) to understand what astral toxins are all about!

When we were born as Angels many eons ago, we played amongst the stars and lived on what we call now as “playgrounds,” planetary locations that limit us as time and space. Since we did not have time or space as limitations, we physically were constrained to where we needed to be. For example, our physical bodies on Vega are still playing there as mermaids, unicorns, otters, pirates, turtles, and other characters to this day.  Just as our physical bodies on Earth are still playing as humans in this time and space.  Knowing that we are Angels and multidimensional beings, we can continue to play in our many games. That is why so many people resonate with their alter-beings through dreams and other experiences. 

Given that we are playing on multiple playgrounds, we however have to deal with what we call now as “astral toxins.” Astral toxins are toxins full of negative energy that penetrate our souls and lessen who we are physically. Astral toxins are just like other toxins such as chemical toxins, pharmaceutical toxins, food toxins, etc. The term “astral toxins” is described in such a way to remind us that they are from the universe. When we encounter astral toxins, our 22 chakras in our souls close up. When we are vibrant and healthy, our 22 chakras are open and freely emanate through our aura. When we have to deal with any astral toxin, one or more of our chakras will close up, hence causing physical manifestations that we express as our physical bodies.  

Closed chakras show up as ANYTHING! If you have been feeling great and all of the sudden something doesn’t feel right, most likely it is toxin-related.  Major astral toxins include anything in our physical expressions but are not limited to: head/body aches, eye twitching, skin afflictions, blindness, hyperacid stomach, wings burning (upper shoulder blades), hiccups, lung irritations, lumps in throats, etc. Not only physical symptoms, but emotional symptoms will show up out of the blue such as: being argumentative or obnoxious, inconsolable crying, unclear or fuzzy thoughts, being ungrounded, etc. These are ALL symptoms of effects from Ascension!

Just for another challenge on this planet, we have to deal with our accumulation of astral toxins. These can show up as physical symptoms such as: high blood pressure, adrenal fatigue, diabetes, thyroid hypothyroidism, skin afflictions, female or male imbalances (such as infertility or erectile dysfunction), etc.


What can we do about these astral toxins? Some of these long-term symptoms are biochemically related. Speak to a Certified Angel Medical Intuitive for solutions that work. 

For those symptoms that are chakra-based, you need to open your chakras. Use your Angel intention toopen wide all chakrasand breathe! You will feel better!

Is there any long-term cure? In asking the Angels, I am afraid there is no long-term solution. As far as I can foresee, chakra closures will continue for the near future. But, having the awareness is the key to happy and whole living.