Prayer and the Law of Angel Intention


The Law of Angel Intention is a true Law and holds true throughout eternity. As Angels, we can use the Law of Angel Intention whenever our hearts desire. By a rough definition, the Law of Angel Intention basically means… when one intends a desired result to happen, it will happen. For example, when we send our intentions out into the Universe to help a friend in need, that friend will be helped by Angels, whether it be our Angel Self or someone else, such as Archangel Michael or Raphael. When we set those intentions, “prayers” can be called upon the Angels. Angels live by prayer. It is the intention we intend to have manifest in our world. 100% of our intention is what we create.

Angel Actions = Intention + Positive Energy.

About Rika Angel Stelcik

I am the Visionary Angel and Medical Intuitive of I name Angels and help them to heal themselves to wholeness. Join me at on Facebook. Love, Light, and Blessings!!

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